By Rachel Quigley

It was the one missing ingredient in his recipe for the perfect family.
Jamie Oliver introduced his long-awaited son to the world with a tender kiss... or what the TV chef might have called a pukka pucker.
Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver (might he become known as Buddy Oli?), arrived on Wednesday evening in what mother Jools described as a 'hard and fast labour', which lasted two and a half hours.

The couple already have three daughters, living in what Jamie has referred to as a ‘totally oestrogen-filled house’.
As he stood outside Portland Hospital, Central London, with Poppy Honey, eight, Daisy Boo, seven, and 18-month-old Petal Blossom Rainbow, his joy at finally having a boy overflowed.
'It’s wonderful. I didn’t think I had it in me,' he said

When asked what inspired the name Oliver, 5, pointed to his wife.
Shrugging her shoulders Mrs Oliver, also 5, said: 'I just like the name Buddy, I thought it was sweet.'
The Maurice is in honour of her father, who died in 1997 after a stroke.
Oliver said: 'I never thought for a moment I would have a boy. All you can ever dream of is having a healthy child and that’s the best thing in the world.
'In a way it would have been easier to have had a girl. We’re not prepared for a boy – there’s no blue in the house.'
source: dailymail
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